10 Myths and facts about water
In a world where there's plenty of false information floating around, we've made it our mission to bust some of the most common myths about water.
1. Drinking water helps you lose weight
Before you go out and drown yourself in water, we better let you know that drinking water alone won’t trigger weight loss. You’ll still need to exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet, but water will help to suppress your appetite, speed up your metabolism and keep you fuller for longer.
2. It’s recommended that you drink eight glasses of water a day
FACT (or close enough)
The Institute of Medicine recommends that males drink at least three litres (or 12 glasses) of water per day, while women should drink at least two litres (or eight glasses).
3. Drinking water flushes toxins out of your body
The kidneys main goal is to remove toxins from the body by using water to expel them. So, if your body doesn’t have sufficient water, it makes it difficult to rid of these wastes.
4. Drinking water prevents dry skin
Although water is great for your insides, it doesn’t quite make it to your epidermis (your outer layer of skin). External factors are usually the culprit of skin drying. To maintain that beautiful glow, drink plenty of water and maintain a healthy diet, shower regularly and moisturise, and avoid dry weather where possible.
5. Yellow urine is a sign of dehydration
The more dehydrated you become, the more yellow your urine. Other factors like your diet, certain medications and pregnancy can also affect the colour of your wee, but dehydration is more often than not the primary cause.
When it changes colour due to dehydration, your kidneys don’t absorb enough water to rid toxins from your body, so, your urine concentration increases and turns yellow, sometimes even darker depending on your level of dehydration.
6. You shouldn't reuse plastic water bottles
Refilling plastic bottles, again and again, can leach chemicals and bacteria into the water. This is why we recommend drinking filtered water.
7. If you are thirsty, you’re dehydrated
Although mild, when you begin to feel thirsty, you’re experiencing one of the first signs of dehydration.
8. Athletes need sports drinks to function
Water is all you need to rehydrate. Sports drinks may be a supplement but never a substitute for athletes.
9. It’s possible to drink too much water
For the average person, you’d have to drink alooooot of water before it becomes a risk to your health. However, for some people living with high blood pressure, edemas, kidney problems or heart conditions, you might need to pay a little attention to how much water you drink.
We're definitely not doctors, so make sure you talk to yours before reducing your H2O intake.
10. Caffeinated drinks don’t hydrate you
There is little to no evidence that caffeinated beverages such as coffee or tea cancel out their hydration effects. So enjoy your teas and coffee, but don't forget to keep up your filtered water intake!